The NeuroScience Center of Indianapolis (NSC) is a clinical service and research facility established in 1984 to provide diagnostic, rehabilitation and psychotherapy services to those with cognitive and/or psychological problems having a neurological basis or producing neurological symptoms.
Clinical Services
Clinical services at NSC include diagnostic and therapeutic treatment programs for individuals who are experiencing traumatic brain injury, stroke, learning/developmental disabilities, attention deficit disorders or other neurological based anomalies. Referrals to the center come from a number of sources including self-referrals, hospitals, neurologists, neurosurgeons, physiatrists, schools, case managers and vocational rehabilitation counselors. We have treated over 2000 persons since we first opened in 1984.
Neuropsychological Examination
The neuropsychological examination is designed to provide diagnostic information about the nature and extent of brain dysfunction following injury, stroke, neurological disease or any other problem which impinges upon normal cognitive functioning. In addition to its utility as a diagnostic tool the neuropsychological examination results provide much useful information for treatment planning in rehabilitation therapy and serves as a baseline against which progress in therapy can be measured. Levels of functioning in the areas of sensory, motor, perceptual, conceptual, communication, intellectual, problem solving, cognitive organization, academic and memory skills are assessed. When examining children we attempt to gather sufficient information to provide meaningful recommendations to the family and school personnel as well as for treatment planning within our own therapy program. Following the examinations a patient may be seen for cognitive rehabilitation therapy and/or psychotherapy.
Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy
The purpose of the cognitive rehabilitation therapy offered at the NeuroScience Center is to help an individual acquire the highest level of cognitive functioning and functional independence possible for that individual. This is accomplished through treatment programs utilizing retraining strategies, teaching the use of compensatory skills for areas not amenable to retraining, counseling, environmental restructuring, utilizing the services of educational and vocational training facilities and following our patients as they go into their next placement, be it work, school or just better living at home. Our work with the patient centers around that person's thinking skills, perception, memory, problem solving and responses. We (with hard work from our patients) have succeeded in producing statistically significant improvements in psychometrically measured indices of cognitive functioning; however, it is our goal that these changes result in significant improvement in functioning and meaningful participation in daily life events.
New Referrals
When a new referral is received, the potential patient and significant others, including family, vocational rehabilitation counselors, among others, are scheduled for an initial interview. The patient's medical history, current functional status and information from other therapy programs in which the patient has been involved are reviewed. If the patient looks appropriate for our services then a neuropsychological examination is scheduled. This examination takes a full day to complete! A fairly involved interpretation session is scheduled during the week following the examination, during which we provide information to the patient and family concerning our findings and what we see as the potential for rehabilitation or treatment. If recommended, therapy is scheduled to begin.
Our staff is friendly and enthusiastic about their work. We enjoy what we do!